Seton Smart Health Insurance-Covered Pumps

- A single-user breast pump of your choice – Medela, Ameda, or Spectra2
- Lighter adapter
- Free service for pump check-ups and repairs
- Personal instruction on use of breast pump
- Special discount on milk collection containers, bottles, and other pumping items
- Lactation Consultations (3 visits) with one of our IBCLC consultants
10% off
- Breastpump Replacement Parts
- Collection Bags, Bottles, Nipples
- Nursing Bras & Pumping Bras
- Quick Clean® Wipes, Bags, & Soap
- Herbal Supplements
- Compression Stockings
5% off
- Best Home Furnishings Nursery Chairs
- FREE Check-ups & Service for your Insurance Pump
- HSA and FSA Cards Accepted
Please present your Seton ID, photo ID, and prescription from your health care provider.